Windows 10 is FREE or PAY?
Much confusion surrounds the user about the new Microsoft operating system, Windows 10, if the latest OS was free, paid, or free within a certain time period?This can happen because Microsoft uses a language that is stiff and difficult to understand by the public.
Terry Myerson, vice president of Operating Systems Microsoft wrote in the official blog of Microsoft with language that is more easily understood."We announced a free upgrade Windows 10 will be available to customers who are running Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 upgrade that his within one year after its launch," writes Terry."After a Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, then we will continue to provide support (update) the lifetime of the device, free of charge," added Terry.Thus, users who upgrade within one year will still have the original copy of Windows 10, and still get updates from Microsoft support.While users are currently in has not been upgraded, and new upgrade after the year is over, it seems will be charged.